'use strict'
* A Vanilla JS library to simply use EthereumList's data
* @author Dorian Bayart
* @version 0.1.0
* @license MIT
* The URL to fetch data from
* @const {string}
const CHAINLIST_URL = 'https://chainid.network/chains.json'
* A global variable to store fetched data
* @type {ChainList}
let chainList
* A ChainList object
* @class
class ChainList {
* @property {array} list - An array of {@Chain}
* Create a ChainList - Keep chains containing at least one explorer on the EIP-3091 standard
* @constructor
* @param {object[]} - An array of unknown objects representing chains data
constructor(list) {
this.#list = list
.filter(chain => chain.explorers?.find(explorer => explorer.standard === 'EIP3091'))
.map(chain => new Chain(chain))
* Return a ChainList object
* @method
* @async
* @static
* @return {ChainList}
static fetch = async () => {
const response = await fetch(CHAINLIST_URL)
const list = await response.json()
chainList = new ChainList(list)
return chainList
* Return all chains
* @return {Chain[]} - All the chains
getList() {
return this.#list
* Return a chain found by chainId
* @param {number} chainId - The chain unique id
* @return {Chain}
getByChainId(chainId) {
return this.getList().find(chain => chain.chainId() === chainId)
* Return a list of chains filtered by name
* @param {string} name - The name to filter
* @return {Chain[] | null}
searchByName(name) {
return this.getList().filter(chain => chain.name().toLowerCase().includes(name.toLowerCase()))
* A Chain
* @class
class Chain {
* Create a Chain
* @constructor
* @param {object} data - An object representing a chain
constructor(data) {
this.#chain = data.chain
this.#chainId = data.chainId
this.#explorer = data.explorers?.find(explorer => explorer.standard === 'EIP3091')
this.#infoURL = data.infoURL
this.#name = data.name
this.#nativeCurrency = data.nativeCurrency
this.#shortName = data.shortName
* Find or fetch data to build a Chain object
* @method
* @async
* @static
* @param {number} - The chainId of the Chain
* @return {Chain}
static fetchChain = async (id) => {
// use the chainList global variable if already fetched
if(chainList && chainList.getList().length) {
return chainList.getList().find(chain => chain.chainId() === id)
const response = await fetch(CHAINLIST_URL)
const chains = await response.json()
return new Chain(chains.find(chain => chain.chainId() === id))
* Return the chain group name
* @return {string}
chain() {
return this.#chain
* Return the chainId
* @return {number}
chainId() {
return this.#chainId
* Return the explorer name
* @return {string | undefined}
explorerName() {
if(this.#explorer?.name) return this.#explorer.name
* Return the explorer base URL
* @return {string | undefined}
explorerUrl() {
if(this.#explorer?.url) return this.#explorer.url
* Return the main URL
* @return {string}
infoURL() {
return this.#infoURL
* Return the name
* @return {string}
name() {
return this.#name
* Return the native currency
* @return {objct}
nativeCurrency() {
return this.#nativeCurrency
* Return the short name - See EIP-3770 https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3770
* @return {string}
shortName() {
return this.#shortName
* Return a link to Explorer for a given Block Hash
* @param {string} blockHashOrHeight - A block hash or block height
* @return {string | null}
block(blockHashOrHeight) {
if(this.explorerUrl()) return `${this.explorerUrl()}/block/${blockHashOrHeight}`
* Return a link to Explorer for a given Transaction Hash
* @param {string} txHash - A transaction hash
* @return {string | null}
tx(txHash) {
if(this.explorerUrl()) return `${this.explorerUrl()}/tx/${txHash}`
* Return a link to Explorer for a given Address
* @param {string} accountAddress - An account address
* @return {string | null}
address(accountAddress) {
if(this.explorerUrl()) return `${this.explorerUrl()}/address/${accountAddress}`
* Return a link to Explorer for a given ERC-20 Token Address
* @param {string} tokenAddress - A token contract address
* @return {string | null}
token(tokenAddress) {
if(this.explorerUrl()) return `${this.explorerUrl()}/token/${tokenAddress}`